My Facebook status history statistic
Iseng-iseng coba Status history utk retrieve status Facebook yg lama ngga di-update
You have a total of 123 Statuses. |
86 out of 574 friends commented on one of your status updates. %14.98 |
89 out of 574 friends “Liked” one of your status updates. %15.51 |
Friends have Commented on your Statuses 427 times or 3.47 times per Status. |
Friends have ‘Liked’ your Statuses 215 times or 1.75 times per Status. |
Bening Adi Jaya commented on your statuses 146 times. Wayan Rukmawan commented on your statuses 22 times. Take a look to see all of your Top Commenters . Post Top 10 Commenters to your wall! |
Sukarno Putro Liked your statuses 13 times. Lulik Kurnianto Liked your statuses 11 times. Take a look to see all of your Top Likers . Post Top 10 Likes to your wall! |